🔮 FREE Build your own AI Chatbot tutorial & how ChatGPT Turned $1k Into €100k💡

In today’s Future AI Lab Menu:

  • 🍪 Freshly Baked AI Updates – Future of AI Religion
  • 🤖 Baking With Bots (Tutorials) – Raised €100k seed money + generated $12k in 30 days
  • 🛠️ 3 Taste Test Tools

Read time: 4 minutes


1/Future of religion generated by AI? A church in Germany ran a ChatGPT -powered church service which included text generated by ChatGPT and delivered by avatars. There were mixed reactions with one saying “I was positively surprised how well it worked,” while another said “the avatar’s lack of emotions and fast, monotonous speech was off-putting…There was no heart and no soul.”

2/ Siri + ChatGPT? iPhone users can now automate tasks with Siri getting an upgrade through the official ChatGPT app. The feature works through Apple’s Shortcuts, which lets you automate tasks on your iPhone. Set up the feature by updating the ChatGPT app and heading to the Shortcuts app. Now you can use Siri to ask ChatGPT questions on any Apple device with ease.

3/ OpenAI CEO Sam Altman admitted he’s been losing sleep due to decision to launch ChatGPT and its potential consequences. He’s concerned that the release of ChatGPT could lead to an “acceleration” of creating AI systems that could contain complexities that he and his peers didn’t understand before. As previously mentioned he has concerns about competitors that may make evil algorithms which led to his decision to be a signatory on an open letter warning about AI causing an “extinction” event.

4/ Forget DrGoogle, Doctors may be dealing with AI giving people medical information in the future. A British medical student has created an AI chatbot, BTRU, that promises to provide “more reliable health information” than Google. Experts have raised concern over some of the answers given by BTRU, such as a response to “Can I, as a man, get womb cancer?” with a yes (obviously a no 😃 ). Some health experts don’t believe AI will ever replace the expertise of a human doctor. Maybe not completely. While AI chatbots can be prone to errors, with the rate of AI advancement and potentially improved data inputs this may become more of the norm – or am I being too optimistic? 🙂


In 47 days, a guy called Joao Santos who is the Executive assistant to ChatGPT managed to raise €100k seed money for an ecommerce store that ACTUALLY makes money. Yes this was inspired by another guy called Jackson Fall who started this whole trend.

He documented his “30 day journey of building GPT 4’s idea of the best company to start with $1000USD and just 1 hour a day”.

ChatGPT gave the idea, the execution plan, feedback and made it work + profitable. Joao (the human) followed the plan.

Pretty successful launch!

Check out the even more crazy stats below. They had better results compared to majority of new ecommerce startups!

Below are his products, you can check out the store here and the story here.

Tshirt designs = Midjourney

Ecommerce store = Shopify

Pricing manager = ChatGPT

Social media = ChatGPT created Linkedin Post

My thoughts

This is a really cool case study of how someone (with VC experience) has used AI to build a business from scratch and actually made real money with it! You may be thinking, he has a massive following but assuming he was just using Linkedin he currently has 47k followers in which 39k was attributed to this project.

In saying this, I think this project had 2 things going for them. The fact that AI is a HOT topic/trending AND building in public are both things that people love to see. If it were a normal ecommerce store launch even if it were being built in public may not have received such a massive response. But combined with AI or the fact that ChatGPT was the “boss” gave it a fun twist to it hence grabbing lots of attention.

Nonetheless, the execution and idea of doing this exercise was well played and has taken this dude pretty far in such a short time!

I guess none of us have an excuse to not use A.I. to build a money making machine hey? 🫣

Build your own AI ChatBot

Creating AI Chatbots for websites has been all the craze with business owners. Why does everyone want one?

To help with customer service which takes up alot of time and effort. Sometimes the questions can be found on the FAQ or within the website but current chatbots may not be able to do exactly what customers/viewers ask. 🙂

So this week our team built a Chatbot for our website. Many people were asking us where certain tutorials were or links to particular automation zaps could be found (after seeing it in my videos). So we wanted to test this out.

But before this we had to analyse a few chatbot tools on the market. See below.

We wanted to test out IBM watson as you can speak to it using audio but it wouldn’t take my credit card even though it is free to try (will need to test later).

After testing all these awesome Chatbots, almost all can learn from your data (pdf, website URL, documents) however we settled on Chatbase as the UI was better and was more customisable. Most importantly, it could give us the most correct answers compared to the others.

So all we did was submit our website URL, gave it an initial prompt and Chatbase took care of the rest. It took some testing, improving the prompt and retraining so the chatbot could give us the correct answers.

Here were the results! I copy and pasted one of the questions I had from viewers (to make it real as possible) and it actually gave the correct links!

We created a tutorial for you on how to set this up yourself here.

Overall, we’re excited to launch this chatbot. It’s not up yet but will be launched with our new revamped website www.futureailab.com Will keep you guys in the loop!


If you’re also interested in creating one for yourself I came across a deal for Chatbase – a lifetime deal for $29 (71% off) which was pretty cool, I snagged one myself before the deal finishes but I thought I’d share it with you guys here (don’t blame me if it’s gone ><).


  1. Winn.AI is an AI assistant that helps sales people win more deals by automating note taking, integrating with CRM, providing real-time insights, and helping reps stay on track with playbooks
  2. Albus is an AI powered brainstorming tool that allows you to explore topics in depth. Helps prompt ideas so you can expand your knowledge with a mind map style visuals. Great for education and research.
  3. Tafi Avatar – A text to 3D visual creator that has partnered with iconic brands such as Coca-Cola, NVIDIA, Warner Brothers, Champion, Estee Lauder. Check out their cool animations in the link.


🚀 How I can help you

  1. If you want Nat & her team to implement AI & Automation in your business to save time & increase revenue, Book a call with Nat here!
  2. Generate UNLIMITED supply of content ideas, customer personas, viral hooks, marketing assets & more with my ChatGPT Prompt Strategy!
  3. Advertise with us(13,000+ Email, 360k+ Social media) Book here!

Disclaimer: The content provided herein is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended as, nor should it be construed as financial, legal, tax, investment, or other professional advice. Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. You should consult a professional advisor before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided.

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