Future of A.I. Google Search, ChatGPT plugins demo and A.I. Girlfriend backlash

In today’s Future AI Lab Menu:

  • 🍪 Freshly Baked AI Updates
  • 🤖 Baking With Bots (Tutorials) – ChatGPT Plugins
  • 🛠️ 3 Taste Test Tools

Read time: 4 minutes


Favourite Tech Tool – ChatGPT Plugins

OMG! What everyone has been waiting for – ChatGPT plugins! It has finally arrived this week. These 70+ plugins allow you to do things like:

  • Create Zapier automations for your business (example below)
  • Book flights/hotels/restaurants directly within the chat
  • Ask questions/analyse PDFs

(Keep reading to see how we implemented automation using Chatgpt plugin)

1/ Google has a MASSIVE upgrade – when everyone thought google was falling way behind OpenAI/Microsoft, Google is now back in the game announcing “Search Generative Experience” (SGE) which is the future of search.

Despite 60% of Google’s revenue coming from search ads and many businesses relying on SEO + paid search to drive traffic to their site, Google has shown us a preview of how search will change in future.

It has a chat feature that looks to give you a more straight forward answer as opposed to scrolling/clicking on many rubbish links that add no value. It also gives lots of context – say you are looking for activities for kids while travelling in Florida and prefer short easy hikes, it will give you a straight up answer with related links if you wanted to find out more. This means customers will be able to get the answer quicker, less scrolling, less clicking which means alot less traffic to websites in general. HOWEVER, if your content is very helpful, high quality and provides lots of context (something that is not generic), these are the guys that may get the bulk of the traffic (this is my prediction).

Key takeaway, provide lots of value that actually solves a specific problem in the new Google SGE if you want to have a higher chance of staying on top.

Their LLM (PaLM2) which is the equivalent to GPT which powers Bard also got an upgrade and I must say I’m pretty impressed – ChatGPT has another competitor (skip to A.I. Tools to see why).

You can now also access Google workspaces which integrates A.I. tools inside of Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides etc. This should be available now. This would replace quite alot of A.I. tools currently that only do 1 thing.

Overall, it’s interesting that Chatgpt/Microsoft were ahead but the integration of AI was slower and less developed when implemented into Bing. I think they will face tough competition with Google swooping in with promising first look into their A.I. improvements.

Join the waitlist for all these cool Google A.I. features here.

2/ Cofounder of OpenAI, Sam Altman is close to securing $100 million for Worldcoin which scans eyeballs to create digital identities in exchange for its own global currency, Worldcoin. The goal is to scan the whole world’s population to create a digital world ID (may be needed to tell who is human and who is A.I.!). This also ties in with his belief that A.I. will generate enough wealth that humans won’t need to work. Enough money “will” be made to fund a Universal Basic Income (approx $13k/yr) to every person through this currency.

3/ An Influencer made $100k in a week selling her A.I. Clone (CarynAI) for $1/min – Her mostly male followers can have a 2 way voice chat with her A.I. Bot which was trained on 2000hours of her language and personality. Other than the A.I. bot going rouge, keeping some users from getting addicted by limiting chats to 1hour and the real Caryn having to flee her home and hire security due to backlash on social media, it’s a pretty clever and well executed business! The app she used? Keep scrolling 🙂

Everything you need to know about ChatGPT Plugins

How do you access Chatgpt Plugins?

  • You need to be a Chatgpt plus user ($20/mo). Click here for tutorial.
  • If you don’t have it as a Plus user, don’t worry it is rolling out this week so hold on tight. I suspect they are rolling it out to different countries in stages (USA obviously first. I just got mine yesterday and I’m in Australia).
  • Otherwise here’s a video I created to toggle plugins on if you already have it but it may not be switched on. Note: I didn’t have “beta features” showing at all until I got access to it.

Here’s how we’re using Plugins:

  • We asked ChatGPT to create a Zapier automation for our emails (something we were trying to figure out yesterday but it didn’t work)
  • Here’s the result!
  • ChatGPT quickly created a step by step summary of how the Zap would work AND a link to the actual zap! It was insane!

There were some adjustments like linking the account (I have multiple accounts) and minor tweaking but it actually worked!

  • It gave us a different angle to how we approached it and included extra coding in there that I didn’t even think to include.

Note: Zapier has a free account however if you want multistep or more tasks, you may need a paid plan


ChatGPT Plugin (Automation)

This week I experimented with Chatgpt Plugins! It should be rolled out to most countries by now for all Chatgpt plus users.

I had to try “Zapier” + “Show me” to create automations for my business. It was pretty cool! I described my situation, asked it to give me suggestions on where I should automate, told it to create the automation and draw a mind map so I could visually see the whole workflow! It ACTUALLY create the zap for me so guys and gals who always struggled with Zapier, this one is for you!

If you want to try this for yourself, I create a self guided tutorial for you here!

ChatGPT Prompt to try

I’m learning to apply this rule in my daily life to be more productive. Use this prompt to help you learn faster. You can even add book titles in there instead of the subject (just an idea 🙂 )

I want to learn about [SUBJECT/TOPIC]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.


  1. Bard (FREE) – A ChatGPT alternative created by Google that you may be super impressed with! It has better context (less prompting/training) and I feel like it understands context and user intent better. It’s connected to the internet too. Try out a question like “compare product x, product y, product z”.
  2. Zapier AI -Many people struggle with automations, not anymore! You can literally write what you want to automate in plain english and it will create a zap for you!
  3. Forever Voices AI – This was the AI chatbot that CarynAI used to clone herself! It’s a 2 way voice chat where you can speak to AI personas of your favourite celebrities.

Here’s something interesting we saw this week!

How visual merchandisers are using MidJourney to help with design displays! This would have traditionally taken alot of time to organise and set up but having A.I. generate it for you as an inital draft is amazing!


🚀 How I can help you

  1. If you want Nat & her team to implement AI & Automation in your business to save time & increase revenue, Book a call with Nat here!
  2. Generate UNLIMITED supply of content ideas, customer personas, viral hooks, marketing assets & more with my ChatGPT Prompt Strategy!
  3. Advertise with us(13,000+ Email, 360k+ Social media) Book here!

Disclaimer: The content provided herein is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended as, nor should it be construed as financial, legal, tax, investment, or other professional advice. Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. You should consult a professional advisor before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided.

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